Friday, August 14, 2020

Remote Class Projects; Week of April 6


Charcoal Washes

Today we will be exploring charcoal washes.  You get the best of both worlds: the control of the dry media and the varied serendipity of wet washes.  For this you MUST use compressed charcoal—vine charcoal just doesn’t work. 

You are to convince someone close to you to pose for pictures (they do not have to be nude). Take a variety of shots with your phone in various interesting poses and lighting situations. Be sure the lighting is controlled and directional so there are clear lights and shadows.  Choose the best three images (at least one should involve the whole figure), and draw each of them at a scale that fills your paper.  Feel free to use your phone for the reference images, or if possible send it to a tablet or computer screen for larger reference images.  Be sure to leave the bright white of your paper for the lights, and make the darkest dark the rich blacks of the “melted” charcoal. 

Make sure every part of your drawing is richly textured, though not enough to distract from the main parts of the drawing. Spend at least 60 minutes on each drawing for a total of three drawings.

As you lay out the beginning of your figures don’t forget the basics of measuring and finding proportion through the measuring strategies: distance, angles, dropping verticals, horizontals, and vector lines.

Good Luck!

See the video links below for examples that I made during the spring semester

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

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