Thursday, March 5, 2020

Assignment #7: Van Gogh Self Portrait Project

Van Gogh Self-portrait Sketchbook Project
ART 104 – Professor Kyle Stevenson

Due next week (remember that we will have a quiz as well--see succeeding post about that)

Read Page 267-293 in Goldstein (basically all of Chapter 6).  Note how style might affect the power of a drawing.  You can be "wrong" sometimes from an observational point of view, but if you've made the right kind of marks your "mistakes" might actually make the drawing better!

You are to research/choose a Vincent Van Gogh portrait drawing.   (A portrait is a drawing of a person where the identity of the sitter is clearly important)  In your sketchbook, copy that drawing exactly.  You are to reproduce it line for line (in other words, if there are 384 lines in his drawing, there should be 384 lines in your drawing!), taking into account line quality, and not just location and direction.  After that, on the next page in your sketchbook, make a self-portrait drawing in the same scale, style, and position as the Van Gogh drawing that you chose.  You MUST spray fix your drawings (outside) or they will smear into the facing page!

There are a number of websites that are great image resources: and, among others

Review: So, you are to “forge” a Van Gogh drawing, and then make a drawing in the same style and scale substituting yourself in the place of the Van Gogh subject.

Hint: This project is about following directions as much as anything else.  Make sure to follow the directions carefully.  Also be sure to choose drawings, not prints that look like drawings. 

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